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Groups matter because we know that God designed us to grow in relationships with other people. That means God wants to work through other people to help you grow in your faith, and he wants to work through you to help other people grow.

Life Groups are a gathering of 8-12 people meeting weekly. Throughout the year, Life Groups meet over 3 sessions (winter, spring, & fall) with breaks in between. There are groups that meet onsite, offsite, and online. There are groups for men, women, couples, and various seasons of life. Every group strives to study the Bible, share their lives, pray for one another, and encourage next steps of faith.

Micro Groups are small, focused Life Groups. These groups meet on various days of the week in homes, on-site, at coffee shops, etc. Micro Groups are designed to study a specific curriculum for 6 months, consist of 3-6 people, and are usually gender based. Through the Micro Group Guide, groups are intentionally equipped to lead others, share their faith story, and develop spiritual habits. Interested in joining a Micro Group, Click Here.

Care Groups take place on Monday nights and follow a specific curriculum depending on the type of Care Group. Groups meet on-site and have Kidcare provided. Care Groups are there for when people feel stuck, hurt, and broken needing a safe space to come together with others. Healing happens in these environments with the help of a group leader to guide you through whatever hurt, habit or hang up you might be experiencing.

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Groups Staff

Meet our Life Groups Staff

Rick Vieira

Adult Ministries Pastor

Andy Clark

Groups Minister

Roy Roberson

Men's Minister

Maddy Summers

Women's Minister

Johnna Rich

Adult Ministries Administrative Assistant