Last weekend, we shared that our Children's Ministry Pastor, Carrie Murphy, would be leaving Northside to continue to follow the plan God has for her. We also were excited to share that Jacob Bales will be stepping up as our new Teaching and Family Pastor and what all that entails for our Family Ministries. If you missed that update, don't worry. We've shared it for you here.  

This Weekend

Everything you need for a weekend service can be found right here. 

Our services stream every weekend.

Your investment helps connect unconnected people to Jesus Christ.

Follow along on the YouVersion Bible app.

Are you bringing kids? Check them in here.

This Week

Stay connected throughout the week with these resources below.

In homes, online and care groups to help you grow

Gather with others to discuss the sermon from the weekend with these guided group questions. These questions can also be found in the WE study guide.

What's happening soon at Northside?